Okay folks! So if you're out of the loop, I'm working on a new CD. No title yet, but the songs are all finished for my part (writing them) and now we're on to recording/arranging/whatever else needs to be done. Here's a few snapshots of recording: day one. Nothing too exciting probably, but it's wicked exciting for me! We've got Tyler on drums, Travis on guitar (and whatever other many instruments he plays that we can work onto the album) and this particular night, we had Derek working on mics and recording. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a sound/tech guy?!

Maybe he'll hate me for that, but you gotta have a shot of the drummer with a smoke hanging out of his mouth!

Night one = the computers fight back! The boys try to puzzle out the many complications of the set up. That's after the first computer decided it wasn't going to play along.
Fortunately, I'm blessed with nothing but optimism.