Sunday, November 29, 2009

More Paper Doll Sketches

Here's all the sketches that are in so far. They are all perfect! Some people took them further than I expected, but that's wonderful! Thank you all!

These first two are from artist Natalia Pierandrei for the song "The Umbrella Waltz." See my earlier post on how it came to be. She's completely amazing and my favorite artist right now.

This girl in the red dress is done by my friend Kate Jorgensen (formerly McCullough) for the song "Mr. Dick." With the dress, she totally nailed the 20's vibe of the song.

This beautiful bare woman is a picture of Eve in crazy dreads done by my raw food friend Jill Ahlgren for the song "In Eve's Skin." Awesome.

Next is the first sketch I recieved by my friend Tina Gilbert for the song "Wild Ponies." I love the riding outfit. Sad to say, for how obvious it is, I never would have thought of that. She also has a gown on the lower part of the paper. The paper was a oversized piece of "where's waldo"-like book. Perfect! Too funny.

My wonderfully talented sister Joy Caza has created this drawing for "Elephants Can Fly." She managed to wrap the costume up so as you can't tell which side I'm flying for, just like the song. (As a side note, if you'd like to know which side I'm on, just ask. *wink*)

This painting was done by my amazingly talented husband John White for the song "The Blue Room." He comes from the punk era, and it shows but I love that his personality is in the costume so completely. He was the only one I trusted with this song. I feel a little bold for writing it and playing it, but the arrangement the band (Travis Crotteau and Tyler Dubla) has come up with has blown me away more than any of the arrangements for the CD.

A few more sketches to come... Thank you all!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prisoner of Snow Drum Recording

Last Sunday we made some more progress on the recording on the new CD. It was a little cut and paste, as Tyler was forced (by me) to play toms in the bridge, but he wasn't exactly feeling it. The recording equipment always fights us, but I'm sure every musician who has recorded feels the same cloud looming over. I'm excited to be making more progress.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Photos by Wanda J Pearcy

Here are some wonderful shots taken by the very talented Ms. Wanda Pearcy at the Beaners Songwriters Competition this year. There are albums for all the musicians on her site, so check em out! Here's the link to mine!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Paper Doll Sketches

I thought as long as these ladies were posting it, I would make mention of it here. As you may or may not know, I've asked some friends to participate in the artwork for my next album (title TBA.)

First up was from my new friend Tina Gilbert. She dropped off a sketch to go with my song "Wild Ponies." It is an adorable little riding outfit. I will post a pic soon! I thought to ask her because she's an amazing seamstress!

My sister Joy Caza did a drawing for the song "Elephants Can Fly." She completely captured the whimsy. Again, no photo online yet. Sorry!

A week or so ago, I received one from a friend going way back, Kate Jorgensen/McCullough. I asked her to come up with an outfit for the song "Mr. Dick." She came up with a fiery, strong woman blazing guns at the viewer. Amazing. Check out her drawing at Kate's Blog.

Natalia Pierandrei is a talented artist that I've been watching over the months. I first found her works on DeviantArt and continue to be amazed by her style. So............I put on my bold hat and emailed her asking if she would be interested in participating in creating a drawing for the upcoming album. Through the emails with her, I have come to regard her as a very sweet, generous person! She has come up with two incredible sketches for my song "The Umbrella Waltz." Check them out at Nati's Blog.