Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Unplugged at Norshor, Duluth, Minnesota

Gluten Free Baking Day

I've been perpetually hungry this past week. I also have several days of 5 kids in the house (along with a new kitten, until someone adopts her) which leaves me little time for food preparation. Yesterday, I cleaned the kitchen only to fill it with just about every last dish and utensil I own. I made GF broccoli cheese soup. Two strawberry rhubarb pies; one with fresh strawberries and green rhubarb from my garden and the other with the neighbors red rhubarb and strawberries from out CSA share. THEN I made a gluten free pizza crust topped with turkey pepperoni and sausage, mushrooms, black olives, onions and green pepper. YUMMO! I made two non-GF pizzas for the rest of the fam; one like mine for John and one with just cheese on half (for Victoria) and one with cheese and meats (for Isobelle.) Now the fridge is crammed with GF food to sustain me through the next crazy, kid filled days!

Friday, June 18, 2010

First Cities Gig!

I will be solo-ing it at Acadia Cafe in MSP tonight June 18th at 9:30!